Welcome one , welcome all. Please be seated in those wonderful chairs you got right in front of your monitors. Grab a bag of chips , or a box of cookies , sip on a juice or a cola. Relax. And never doubt my hospitality again. (ps. do leave comments behind)
Oh yes i'm bringing drama back. Selling anything today is a lot easier when you have the words free on it. Or sex for that matter. Or a rather obvious combination of both of 'em. ( Source , some damn newspaper article). So basically drama needs a comeback . And I'm hired on a futile fight to combat free sex. Oh and DO , please DO confirm that sarcasm sells.
Oh the content of this blog is not meant to be obscene , or offend anyone. but sometimes these things do happen. In case of any such unpleasant unilateral incidents , do avoid taking me to court.
Besides , reading this blog is subject to inherent to standard risks. Frustration , anger , irritation and an urge to manhandle me might be a few of the symptoms of being a prey to this blog. And please take this very seriously.
Legal disputes if any will be subject to the jurisdiction of the non existant local court of google land. So dont even think of it.
Besides , madness takes it toll. Please tender exact change.