I’ve been looking for a place forever,
A place I could call my own,
An idea, a thought or a sliver of joy,
Someplace that I could call home.
I’ve been living in this world forever in till now,
But yet nothing seems familiar and well,
The sand castles in my head on the other hand;
They’ve been washed away by the morning swell.
While that may very much be so,
It’s still a struggle to find my place in it,
I find myself pushing myself to be alone,
When life gives me lemonade,
I run around to find the lime,
Well, the limes they don’t present themselves,
I chase them till I run out of time.
And glass of lemonade just stays there,
Perched upon the window sill,
I know what i’ve got is more that fair;
But those limes, they go against my will.
I’ve been the sort that can’t ever be happy,
There’s always this salty twinge,
That smile I give to the world is decided scrappy,
A sea of tears brims within.
I’ve bound myself tight with ropes of joy,
Upon the bedrock of the best love I could find,
Nothing more they think a girl can ask for;
But my soul cant keep up with my mind.
I don’t have wings, but I have a need to fly;
I’d rather plummet to the earth than stay,
I steady myself every time my thoughts take flight,
Then abort half way down the runway;
My wings are not ready, my heart is too full,
even thought I can no long tarry,
I’ve anchored myself to the deadweight of my thoughts,
This load I can no longer carry.
And while I don’t want to self destruct,
Or fly down that winding stair,
In my eyes I’ve already made a spectacle of myself,
At the very edge of the ledge, but you’ll never find me there.