Sunday, February 22, 2009

Justice. And it's Manifestations

" How many people in this word deserve what they get? And how many get what they deserve?" - J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings)
Bulls Eye.

As i read through the last few pages, my mind had already began to wander. No special occasion this, just a stray tendril of thought, the mischief of the same book that i held in Hand. And at the center of the turmoil was one word, Justice. 'To kill a mockingbird' Does that to you. The story of how justice does not necessarily get administered, the truth about an innocent man, brought to light in the courtroom, yet convicted, sentenced to capital punishment under the charges of rape, just because of the color of his skin, make you wonder about Justice. And it's manifestations.

As much as the story is based in the past, i couldn't help but bring it across the time warp and the seven seas to the modern day Indian concept. Maybe the methods have changed, maybe the scenario has changed, but even as on date, is justice actually served? Is it that freely available? Is it universal? Unbiased? Free flowing? Does it even fit into the meaning of the word justice as it's common interpretation or as it should be understood? We see wrong being done on every level. We indulge in it ourselves. I know i have. I have done wrong, knowingly and i have seen the same happen all around me, with the blame pinned on someone else, or no one.

I study law. It's what i do for a qualification. It's what i may do for a living, for life. And i see the same thing through two different points of view. A part of what i study and a part of me that still identifies with the millions who fight for their rights. I see violence, with people increasingly taking the law into their own hands, dispensing so called 'Justice" with stick and stone. I see apathy, racial discrimination, financial conditions and grudges play a major role is determining the so called Justice which is been laded out by the public at large, greatly spurred on by open political backing.

Whatever may be the name:- Standing up for rights, protests , Moral policing or the million other excuses certain anti-social elements can dig up to curb our fundamental rights in exchange for exposure of any kind, harping on their interpretation of culture and enforcing their so called views on others under the name of justice. Is this what Justice is supposed to ultimately De-generate down to? Is this what the future looks like?

The first thing my law study would like to impress upon me is that lawyers are meant to uphold and bring about Justice. Maybe true, right to representation is an universal right given to all. But lawyers are humans. How many people can actually afford a good lawyer? And how does it help in dispensing justice in what is finally a courtroom battle between two contestants? How often are the two sides coming from different economic background evenly matched? The rich get access to the best lawyers, the best resources and consequently often the best results. Lawyers are not to blame, maybe. They as working professionals reserve the right to quote their asking price depending on what they or their clients think their value addition is. And frankly, in good commercial sense, generally the quantum of the fees vary in direct proportion to how good the lawyer is. Then again is the all important 'setting'. Your relationship with the judges, the jury, your peers and the clout you hold also often has a direct relationship with the verdict. It's common knowledge that a lot of 'setting' goes on. So what does that make lawyers? Dispensers of justice? Or quite the opposite? Again at the end of the day, it's nothing personal, just professionalism. To do what you have to for your client. Fight to Win. Code of ethics, defend your client. Maybe a year down the line I'll put on the coat and join those ranks. As what, i wonder.

Justice, what about it's defense? Is there anyone listening?

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